Our ZOOM Partner, Misael Hernandez provides dental care to the impoverished in Oaxaca, which is located in the south of Mexico. Having recently finished dental school, Misael has taken little time to start sharing his talents with the community around him.
Misael is a pastor, who has also built his own dental practice. In his free time, Misael runs a medical and dental outreach program within his city that provides healthcare for those in poverty who can’t afford it. He even travels to very remote places in the mountains to provide care that would be impossible for people to receive otherwise.
In addition, Misael’s mother, Carmelita, will provide a weekly meal for children in the area that are living on the streets. Although only on Saturdays, it provides some basic nutrition that is probably absent in the street kids’ diet.
For Misael and Carmelita to run both of these projects, it costs approximately $400 a month.
We want to support them as they offer incredibly valuable services and meals that we often take for granted. Consider contributing today to their work by clicking the link below.
While visiting Misael, another need was brought to our attention. Irving, Misael’s brother, is a single father trying to finish a house for his family. He has the foundation done and has made progress on the house structure, but because money is so limited, the work is extremely slow. Our goal of $60,000 would allow Irving to finish the house and provide a home for his children. Consider helping us reach that goal today by clicking the Irving’s House campaign below.
100% of your proceeds will go directly to the fund you choose. Because of this, we have an Admin Campaign that contributes to maintaining the website and fees incurred to keep ZOOM Global running.
If you cannot contribute financially, please be praying for our team and our efforts to grow the kingdom of God through loving the people of Mexico. Feel free to send emails of encouragement that can be delivered as well.