Zoom Global, a compassionate non-profit organization headquartered in Idaho, is committed to supporting refugees and vulnerable communities around the world. Our international projects range from offering crucial aid to displaced individuals and families to enhancing the quality of life for those in need. In the Congo, we work closely with local orphanages, ensuring children have access to essential resources, such as education, nutrition, and a safe environment. In Oaxaca, Mexico, our focus is on improving healthcare access by providing free medical services, health education, and building partnerships with local organizations to create sustainable solutions for the community.

Back at home in Boise, Idaho, Zoom Global extends its helping hand to local residents by offering rental assistance to low-income households. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to prevent homelessness and provide a stable foundation for families in need, promoting an inclusive and supportive community. By collaborating with local organizations, government agencies, and generous donors, we strive to create a lasting impact and empower individuals to overcome challenges and build a brighter future. Through our global and local efforts, Zoom Global remains steadfast in its mission to promote hope and bring the love of Jesus Christ to those in need.


Our goal is simple; we want to be as transparent as possible, and we want 100% of your support to go precisely where you want it to go!

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