
Missions was the primary work of the early church. All other areas of life were secondary and were allowed to exist only if they enhanced the missionary enterprise. The New Testament is essentially a book of missions; missionary outreach was the context and atmosphere in which the New Testament was formed and was the prime motivator of everything the early church did.

People getting baptized


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Our mission is to uplift and empower vulnerable communities around the world. Our ongoing efforts range from providing vital support to orphanages in the Congo (ensuring the children receive quality care, education, and a safe environment to grow) to improving access to healthcare in Oaxaca, Mexico (by offering free medical services and health education to underserved populations). Recognizing that there are countless other areas in need of assistance, we actively encourage the global community to submit information about locations and issues that may have escaped our attention. By collaborating and sharing knowledge, we can broaden our impact and work together to create a better world for all. We want to help wherever there is a need. Fill out the Project Application Form to submit a need in your community.

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